S.C. ,,CONSTRUCTII HIDROTEHNICE” S.A. Iaşi is specialized in hydraulic engineering construction works, civil and industrial, land improvements, water supply commissioning and agricultural constructions.
The objective of S.C. CONSTRUCŢII HIDROTEHNICE S.A. Iaşi is to maintain its image and position on the industry market, gained in the four decades of existence, by ensuring and guaranteeing the quality of professionally executed works and by establishing good and fair communication relationships with its partners, employees and the authorities.

The development strategy on medium and long term of S.C. Construcţii Hidrotehnice S.A. Iaşi is focused on increasing and improving the current level of society, establishing, in this respect, a series of objectives:
- To advocate marketing strategies aimed to promote the products and services offered by the company (leasing of machinery, means of transport, gravel products, concrete and precast elements etc.);
- To continue the necessary steps for an efficient and modern project execution process;
- To offer quality and competitive services taking into consideration the current market requirements and also to increase the competence and training of the staff;
- To increase the production potential;
- To develop more efficient market penetration strategies in order to conquer as much as possible from the traditional market;
- To develop and adopt strategies for a more aggressive entry on the emerging markets.